Mounting a flat panel TV to the wall removes clutter and frees up floor and table space. A typical wall mount kit comes with two mounting arms that attach to the back of your TV and a wide bracket plate, which attaches to your wall. The mounting arms lock onto the bracket plate, securing the TV to the wall.
Video Overview
Your TV wall mount should include the following:
1 Wall Mount
1 TV Mounting Bracket
Bolts and Screws
Slide the horizontal bracket lengths through the vertical bracket lengths.
Center the TV mount plate on the horizontal lengths.
Attach the TV mounting bracket to the back of the TV using the 4 bolts included with your TV wall mount kit.
The location of the mounting holes will depend on the size and model of your television.
The size of the bolts will also vary depending on your TV model. Most kits come with various size bolts.
Note: Make sure the bolts attaching the TV mounting bracket to the TV are securely tightened. You wouldn't want your nice television to fall off your wall.
Locate 2 studs to bolt the TV wall mount to.
The studs are generally spaced every 16 inches. Some homes feature studs that are spaced every 24 inches.
A stud finder may be used to locate the studs. Stud finders are not always accurate.
Using a level, mark the location for the holes.
Carefully lift your TV into place.
Depending on the size of your television you may want to seek assistance for this step.
Now your TV should be mounted securely to your wall.
Final Step: Cross your fingers and hope it does not fall.
Now your TV should be mounted securely to your wall.
Final Step: Cross your fingers and hope it does not fall.
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